Urocare Latex Leg Bag-Sport Left
500ml Washable re-usable latex leg bag
Specific Product Features-Contains Latex, Washable, Re-usable, Many accessories to find the right system, Strong seamless bag
Specific Product Information
The Latex Bag Sport is a 500ml bag that is discrete and can be worn under shorts or a skirt, and is designed to be worn on the left leg. A Washable reusable latex leg bag. Highly robust will last about 6-12months. Wash with Urosol. Comes with elasticated straps and you can purchase Special wide cotton leg straps for this bag. If a new part is required for this bag such as the little red valve (6001) or the O-Ring (6000) they can be purchased separately, If condom drainage is being used the O-ring works really well for straight through flow.